February Poem by Eleftheria Dom


Rating: 5.0

Is it always in the hearts of loners
to gaze outside the windows?

Is it because they long for a ray of sun between the blinds?

They hear birds cheeping,
as waves crashing on the shores of eternity.
A tragedy that flew between the wisps of your hair.

It is through the February window,
that buildings of concrete emerge like snow
stepped by hordes of people on the edge of a street.

Naked as the soul, is nature,
it lies in a bed of discoloured leafs.
It will all die in February before it blossoms again in spring.

A grey sky has covered every spark in your dark eyes.
Cloudy is your shade.

As raindrops flow and dance along the rhythm of your storm,
a ray of sun struggles to penetrate through your grey canvas.

Heavy seems to be your endless winter.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: him
Dr Antony Theodore 20 September 2019

Naked as the soul, is nature, it lies in a bed of discoloured leafs. It will all die in February before it blossoms again in spring, a beautiful poem on nature and love.. the feelings of lovers expressed in a very attractive way. full of emotion. thank u. tony

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Jazib Kamalvi 20 September 2019

A good start with a nice poem, Eleftheria. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Chinedu Dike 14 February 2019

Well conceived and nicely brought forth with conviction. An insightful creation. Thanks for sharing, Dom.

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Prabir Gayen 13 February 2019

As raindrops flow and dance along the rhythm of your storm, a ray of sun struggles to penetrate through your grey canvas. Heavy seems to be your endless winter ... beautiful... thanks

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