Feelings Poem by Michael Budwah


I seem to be blessed in many ways but yet cursed at the same time, I'm not looking for love because I know when you look, you usually don't find what your looking for, but I have open arms to the idea, but at the same time I feel rushed and pressured at times just by life itself, with the time other people's actions almost resulted in me loosing my life or very very close to it, but Buddha is watching over me, and has a master plan for me, which I don't have the key, but my third eye can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I've lost so much people I don't have much friends, and it hurts my heart, burns my soul deep, it sinks in the abyss, like beauty and the beast, but I'm the monster with a beautiful soul even though it still burns, not red flames but blue, that turns black because it burns so hot, pain is temporary, but I'll never quit life, no matter how depressed or down I am, my mummy always told me I was a king, so I'll wear my crown, dark days I wear a frown, I'm a man but we cry to, it's the painful truth when you loose those you love, but wash away the negativity and think with positivity, it's the law of the world, because ours is filled with lies, that you believe, a truth within a lie, a solute to those with cancer and my friends fighting strong, the hardest battle of life, fighting a disease, living within the, conquer all and live on. I swear I love you all, the best thing you could find within a group of people though everything is friendship.

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