Filthy Drugs Of The Mind And Heart Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Filthy Drugs Of The Mind And Heart

These are not drugs made of powder or liquid
Or drugs that are sniffed in dark alleys
Or drugs that are injected in damaged veins
These are drugs that are manufactured deep in the human psyche
A billion vials are closely packaged in the emotional centres of the mind
Ready for distribution into the unsuspecting corners of the world
These drugs are made of the most potent venom
Not venom from the fangs of slithering monsters
But poison from the small packets of concentrated wickedness
So potent it punctures the fabric of consciousness
Pouring out the sacred substance of life
One of these drugs is jealousy
It's so potent that it can break the bonds of long standing relationships
Ferociously breaking down the sacred code of family and friendship
The other drug is anger
This one causes a lot of damage in the home
Gender based violence is an outcome of this poisonous sting
Another well-known drug is hatred
So potent it bashes one race against another
One religion against another
One tribe against the other
Father against son and mother against daughter
This drug has caused wars
It knows no boundaries
Its effects can end the world
Now there is only one antidote
That can eliminate the effects of these drugs
That can bring healing to the hearts of victims
That can address the scourge of these addictions
This antidote is Love
So potent it can bring peace between nations
Can build bridges between religions
Can erect permanent relationships
Can undress the spirit of humanity
Permanently putting an end to wars
Let us give our children this drug (Love)as prophylaxis
To prevent future wars
To address future conflicts
To harness our collective consciousness
And pour the substance of peace into our world
Finally, let us inject each other with Love
To bring kindness and compassion to the streets of the world
To bring laughter and tranquillity to our households
Let us Love unconditionally


Monday, September 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: anger,hatred,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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