Firmness Bears Fruit Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Firmness Bears Fruit

Varium et mutabile semper femina,
How Virgil went so wrong about you!
I saw rocks of Himalayan dimensions,
I live on the Earth unchanged for ages;
But no, I never saw you shifting stance,
Focus and faith, devotion, love for me,
Broader than oceans, Pacific and Indian,
Larger than space of all galaxies together;
But claim, you love less than you should,
For, love you have exceeds human scope,
Its breadth transcends human horizons,
And you feel short, less than full measure.

No, my essence, soul of my soul,
No my breath, the fuel of my soul,
Your love, sacred light, limitless, whole
That lights my world, life worthwhile.

Tout vient a point a qui sait attendre,
No time withstands your rock firmness;
World might be fickle, oft changes face
Like clouds, its shape; colours, lizards;
But you're constant in this revolving world,
Firm in love at the center of your world
In sacrifice, devotion, total faith, loyalty,
Beyond any hurt from random meteors;
Time is time, and beyond dimensions,
Somewhere along time firmness bears fruit
Inherent at its womb all through the time,
And flowers our love to its fragrant bloom.

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love,philosophy
Qiniso Mogale 21 May 2017

Somewhere along time firmness bears fruit. well penned! Salute

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