Following The Path Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Following The Path

Rating: 4.3

In its many facets
Life is a path
Not of time and space
The physical manifestation is just a mirror
To reflect our spiritual stories
And subject us to temptation
It's through the defeat of wickedness
When ego is disrobed
That one is illuminated
Submerged into the body of endless Light
To awaken and enthral the spirit
To feed and fulfil the soul
To dispense knowledge, understanding and wisdom
To serve God and nourish the spirit
And to bury the path of loneliness
And wipe away sorrow
It is through this understanding
That one is enlightened
Into a brighter beam of Light
And takes his/her original form
Inside the vessel of truth
The truth hurts
Actually the truth kills
Annihilating all that is untrue
Opening the gate for Love to flow
Hope to flourish
And faith to bloom
It's here where we find everlasting peace
And compassion becomes our mandate
Kindness and humility are garments for the soul
And every smile is a beautiful beacon of hope
A fire that ignites the spirit
To transcend the illusory realm of the mind
And be born again into nothingness
The everlasting existence (eternity)
The abode of Love


Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hope,life
Mahtab Bangalee 30 June 2020

Godly love.kindles the insight heart of sympathy...... And it makes sense of great hope to peaceful life

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Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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