For A Better Place Poem by George Krokos

George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

For A Better Place

The world we know could be a better place
if everyone in it would show more grace
where just like it was really meant to be
as the people were not obliged and free.

But the world today is not as we'd like
as most of us now have a troubled psyche
which comes to the fore in our relations
with each other and between the nations.

We should look for any good to be found
instead of seeing the bad that's around
and take it to be what others have sown
as it was from us all while being grown.

Over the long course of millions of years
it's unknown when mankind shed its first tears
and moaned about its miserable state
when hunger, pain and loss were on its plate.

Survival has mostly been a struggle
and throughout history brought us trouble
by thinking too much of ourselves it seems
seeing those less fortunate as bad dreams.

And the world now could be a better place
if everybody here would show more grace.
Without expecting something in return
for this is what we are all here to learn.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: better days ,goodwill,grace,places,world
George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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