Forbidden Fruit Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Forbidden Fruit

Desiring what is not theirs
Desiring what belongs to others
Wanting it to belong to them
Coveting what does not belong to them
Doing all they can to attain what was not meant for them
Going all out to get what belongs to other people
Desiring the forbidden fruit.

Stealing what does not belong to them
Lying to get what does not belong to them
Killing to attain what does not belong to them
Manipulating circumstances to get what belongs to other people
Manipulating people to attain what was intended for other people
Forcing matters to attain what God gave to other people
Desiring the forbidden fruit.

Children born out of wedlock because men desired
other men's wives
Skyrocketing divorce cases because married people slept with people they are not married to
Attacks on nations with valuable minerals like oil because certain super powers want the oil for themselves
Desiring the forbidden fruit has brought about a lot of misery
Desiring the forbidden fruit has brought about a lot of heartache
Desiring the forbidden fruit has left a lot of devastation in its wake
Let all desire what has been allocated to them.

Friday, June 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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