Forest Of Pain Poem by Dallas Carter

Forest Of Pain

Imagine yourself in a frozen forest,
The calm silence surrounds the land,
The wind non-existent,
The air frozen,

The problems of the world disappear,
Only rhythmic gasping breaks the silence,
The clutches of life slowly releasing,
The lightly falling snow numbing your body,

The pain that deafens you begins to vanish into the darkness,
The light reflecting off the glittering white flakes blinding you,
You feel your heartbeat coming to a gentle halt,
And remember her face as though she is there,

Imagine returning to her arms after so many years,
Remember how she left you and the last time you saw her,
Breathe in the crisp cold and exhale the image,
For she is right next to you in this pit,

Understand that she's gone physically,
And remember that she will always be here spiritually,
Every day is a constant struggle,
For she is in every thing and every thing is in her,

And every time you need to see her,
Every time you need to hold her,
Every time you need to hear her,
Remember that all you need is to think of her,

Don't let go just because she's gone,
Don't give up just because she's left,
Don't call quits just because she's lost,
Don't ever forget she's with you forever.

Monday, May 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational,love,suicide
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