Forget The Unassuming Humble Approach Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Forget The Unassuming Humble Approach

There is no such thing as acquiring a quiet notoriety!
None done that goes unnoticed.

It can not be down played by the one who achieves it!

Forget the unassuming humble approach.
This reeks of a perceived conceit.
One hidden underneath an acknowledgement,
Of a self containment.
And folks with pretentions love to have others believe...
A notoriety given,
Depends on them!
And their willingness to notice,
What has already been shown and known!

And then there are those,
Who choose to appease others...
By making foolish comments:
'I'm just like everyone else.
I am exceedingly brilliant! '

This may work for precocious children.
The ones thought of as adorable and cute.
And could count to ten
Before they were nine months old!
You know the ones?
Appearing on Oprah!
Held by their nannies.
And praised by parents traveling abroad...
But keeping in touch via satellite!

Those gifted convicted felons,
Always seem to get a book deal

And this is straight up 'info'!
If you happen to be a blackman,
WITHOUT a basketball...
That is palmed and dribbled with one hand.
And unable to perform comedy,
sing 'or' tap dance...
Any notoriety successfully achieved,
With an equal amount of blood, sweat and tears...
Does not come easily,
For one who has proven to be more than deserving.
People associate this with 'good luck'!
And not applied work.

Especially if one has no church affiliation!
Or motives that can be clinically dissected,
With suspicion.

. . 28 August 2009

Outstanding Lawrence! As always the refreshing truth in your writing always compelling me to think past my nose. You are a one in a million poet.

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