Fortification Of The Truth Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Fortification Of The Truth

Capacity! !
To produce fruits,
Fruits of love and life,
Muse along the line,
The substance of your health.
Might is the truth! ! !
Knowledge and Power;
Without fear.
Health's own way,
Health's own crown,
Healthy! !
Dreams of peace and joy.

After long suffering,
Long struggle!
So long too long;
Thirst of life,
Hungry for peace! !
Region of righteousness,
Might with nature!
Fortification Of The Truth!
Region of righteous laws.

Ruuning all along,
Like the Natural Rhythm of the African Blues!
Muse of my identity,
Fortress of love and life,
Defender of the truth;
Depending on the truth,
Running all along!
Able to reach out to my Destination,
And to deliver the Message,
With a small piece of Gold in the hand.

Hello Mr. Wyecroft!
I was sent to meet you,
It has taken a while anyway! !
A mile away from home,
With a smile on my face,
Like the beauty of the River Nile.

An African Child,
Mind fenced with the truth;
Wealth of this gold!
Health of my status;
Able to run the race,
Able to reach out to your end,
And to deliver the Message from Mr. Donkor.

The eagerness of my sister!
Worried about my status,
Worried about my health,
But today, money is nothing to them! !
Because, i have got the honey of the truth.

My siblings,
They are all satisfied! !
Dreams of a long struggle,
Glad in their hearts today;
After reaching my goal,
And to deliver the Message.

I am,
An African on a course;
The course of life!
With the source of love;
Face, surface, race, brace, pace, space, ace, place, lace!
Palace of peace and love,
To embrace the truth along the line,
To trace the Journey of my life on earth after birth.

Mr. Wyecroft! !
I have now delivered the Message to you;
A little piece of Gold in a cylindrical form!
Given to me by Mr. Donkor,
To hand it over to you,
Running all my life to meet you;
This piece of Gold contains the Secret Code of Life! ! !
Like the DNA.

I've now won the race!
So long on the road,
So long too long! !
Running all along,
Running all around,
Worried were my parents and siblings;
Forgetting that, i have a goal to fulfil in life.

Wealth! !
Health of my life,
True love is the Key!
Note to hate anyone,
The measure of the truth! ! !
The treasure of life,
With the pleasure along;
The highest tone of my life!
Great quantity,
Seat of wisdom,
Meat of peace!
Like a prince on his throne,
With the gift of true love to share;
Searching for his princess! !
With his lonely and lovely heart.

Princeton Road! !
Hello Mr. Wyecroft!
I am from the region of peace,
The origin of life! ! !
Original to the World so Sweet with the muse of my mind;
I have now delivered the Message to you,
Overcoming all the obstacles along the way,
Peace and Love;
Highlights of my image to the World so Sweet!
If you can dream it, you can make it! ! ! !
Never giving up.

Friday, October 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: delight,dream time,expressions,gold,poetry,writing
Edward Kofi Louis 18 October 2019

Princeton Road, . Hello Mr. Wyecroft! Capacity of this dream, Delivered to me, To write a poem.

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Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

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