Four Yoga And Four Tiers Poem by Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Four Yoga And Four Tiers

Four yoga are for paths to reach the Supreme.
To realize the Supreme is to get Moksha.
Moksha is redemption from the birth cycles.
This is the vision of the Veda's teachings.

Gnana, Raja, Bhakti and Karma are
Four yoga for four tiers of the society.
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Shudras
Are they in descending order in rank.

Gnana marg is through the knowledge of Self.
Raja marg is through the control of Self.
Bhakti marg is through the devotion (for purity)
Karma marg is through the dedication (to duty)

The four margs can be routs, analogous
To air, train, car and cart to reach the spot
For the society that's heterogeneous.
Karma and Bhakti are easy and lengthy.

Karma is, do your duty not for its fruit.
Bhakti is, surrender your ego at His feet.
Raj is, purify yourself through yoga sastra.
Gnan is, learn Vedanta to feel Supreme.

Shudras and brahmin entail no temple.
Working and learning are their tools to wage.
Vaisyas indulge in the deity worships.
Kshatriyas adopt Patanjali yoga sutra.

Learn Upanishads to understand the world.
Paractise eight legs of Patanjali yoga.
Visit shrines to surrender your ego.
Clue on arts and craft to absorb yourself.

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Aravayal, karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South India
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