Fragile Empires 2 (The Political) Poem by DM W

Fragile Empires 2 (The Political)

The fragile empires and the cold steel systems,
That you have devised over many centuries,
Will, in time, eventually decline and fall.
You may say you possess your Pentagons and your
Grand Palaces. You may possess deadly weapons.
You may distract us with your dazzling spectacles.
You may lull us into sleep with your opiates:
Manufactured for the ' good' of all the people.
Hidden deep within gleaming glass towers, you may
Monitor us closely twenty four hours a day.
You may hide behind your frozen masks and cover
Up your mounting crimes with vast tapestries of lies.
O you may control the obsequious servants
Of the press: the so called 'embedded' journalists.
You may control our modern, sanitised screens
And the crinkled airwaves with frenzied rhetoric
And curious mind games.You may pull the levers
Of power, andmanipulate and command your
Mercenary armies, as you crush dissenters;
And all the fresh flowers of Utopian dreams.
Yet we are the watchers, the witnesses to all
Of your cruel, dirty wars: done in your Deity's name.
And even you, cannot prevent, the rampant march
Of Progress. And, in the end, you will be brought down.

Thursday, October 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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