Fred And Ginger Poem by Lori Boulard

Fred And Ginger

Rating: 4.2

Strings and brass
Depression glass
reflections of an era

black and white
in every sense–

flying feet
contradicting the stillness
of the foodlines.

A nation's hopes
in swirling satin
settling softly on his knee
as the music died.

Jackson Riley 13 February 2006

I like this poem a lot, Lori. my mother used to watch those old Hollywood classics all the time, and I've seen quite a few as well. very good.10

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Sue Ann Simar 31 October 2006

Thank you for the imagery and contrast of elegance/movement against depression/stillness. You might stick to pure image and try a last line like, 'A nation's hopes in satin swirling softly against his knees.' The music died idea seems a bit played out.

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Anna Russell 29 June 2006

Sigh. Those two on screen were beauty personified, as this gem of a poem captures perfectly. There's never been anything like it since, which is why that last line packs such a punch. I've always loved Ginger's quote 'I did everything Fred did - only I did it backwards and in heeels'. Hugs Anna xxx

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Mary Nagy 23 February 2006

I always say I would've loved to have been born back just seems to have been so much more romantic! Great poem Lori. Sincerely, Mary

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Eric Paul Shaffer 16 February 2006

Nice work. An unexpectedly serious ending makes the reader stop and think seriously about the contrast you present here. It was a pleasure to read.

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John Kay 13 February 2006

Lori...well done. I like the precise images, almost like a Japanese painting.

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