Friendship Poem by Victoria Gauci


Friendship is a mutual thing.

It's sharing your life with another person.

It's about caring.

Honesty and truth interwoven in communication and actions.

Being there for one another, in good times and in bad.

Integrity is important.

Like breathing.

It's all about treating someone as you want to be treated.

It's give and take.

It's needing someone to be straight with you, all the time.

Because when you sugar coat things, well then; all you have is candy.

Candy is good for some things.

Yet after awhile the flavor runs out and what have you got?

A syrupy tongue and sticky fingers.

Friendship goes the distance.

It doesn't abuse or take for granted.

It's helping one another.

Laying your coat over the puddles of life so that another can cross.

It's not about lying or laying guilt.

It's not about getting angry because you're embarrassed of a mistake.

It's about owning up and facing forward.

I want a friendship that is real.

Genuine and true.

I want to be able to come to you and know that I will be loved.

No matter what.

I don't want to be hurt by your issues.

A friend will help you with your issues.

Not throw them in your face like mashed potatoes on a spoon.

A friend shouldn't have to wash their face when their done with a conversation.

Don't pretend that you know how someone feels.

Cause in reality, you don't know how they feel until they tell you.

But if you are a friend who is untrue, then you won't bother listening.

And then you will hear only the silence...after the door closes...and you are alone.

Victoria Gauci

Victoria Gauci

Cleveland Ohio
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