Friendship Is Like A Flower, Help It Grow! Poem by Kuji soliman

Friendship Is Like A Flower, Help It Grow!

Rating: 2.7

Friendship is like a flower, help it grow
Keep it warm, protect it from the snow,
How long will it last, only God will know,
But if it is'nt true, quickly it will go...

Friendship needs attention,
Friendship needs protection,
Friendship needs affection...

Friendship can die fast,
easy come, easy go,
But if its strong it'll last,
it will never die or flow!

Heath Gunn 21 September 2009

nicely written, i enjoyed reading this piece Heath

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Almedia Knight-Oliver 25 September 2009

A true poem about friendship. A nice write Kuji. I believe you'll be a great writer/poet one day...keep writing.

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Ramin Chaman 26 September 2009

A nice poem and profuse of the sensibility.well done

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 21 September 2009

Your poem has the wisdom of King solomon............a good write.....

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Aziz Alkaabi 21 September 2009

Very creative, Kuji and a sign of a promising creativity ahead of you.

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Kinlet 15 November 2020

I want a definition for this poem

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uthman Ahmad 15 February 2019

Oh sweet, very nice poem

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Nancy Njee 21 September 2015

nice poem, precise but very rich....keep it up kuji soliman

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Meggie Gultiano 06 December 2009

beautiful verse, beautiful lines..Love it

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Ahmad Shiddiqi 08 October 2009

eye catching piece. keep writing!

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