Frivolities On The Way To Work Poem by Adora Williams

Frivolities On The Way To Work

The enlightenment in encyclopaedias gazes at the ground
As if there was a roof of scorched pages above
It's the hologram rectification that goes backwards
And shrink
When it hits a dead end
Or some sort of dimensional acumen

I met a man on my way to work
He seemed derailed but my hair has also been hit by a thunder
So, I decided to talk to him, he said he was making me a countess
That he was a king in Agartha
He told me about constellations and I told him about caesuras
He talked about energy fields
I told him I read auras

When I arrived at work, a woman noticed my new shoes
And started a soliloquy about where she shops for shoes
And which one she would wear at the symposium
Later that week

No one had seen the stars, but they knew numbers about them
Caesuras need rules, I don't know many of them
It's just sometimes I don't find words
To describe the unnamed

I should start creating words for unnamed heights of consciousness, I thought
Yes, I'm consumed by this derailed vox singula in my head that
Codifies simple things that should just be observed
But we forgot the meaning of an observation long ago
We create new meanings, meaning evolve
Ignoring all the populis that we meet across the ways
And never listening to the tree before it is defined by someone
That came before. We look back.
We choose our scope and stick to that
We alliterate the repetition so it becomes the default
After that, the mall is open, there's shoes to shop

Enlightenment to ponder, several words holographically distorted

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: confessional
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