From The Forum Rebuttal Series 3 Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

From The Forum Rebuttal Series 3

(Note from writers: the following is an extracted 'off the cuff ' writing set undertaken over a couple of hours on Forum) .
EP: Emancipation Planz HN: Herbert Nehrlich

HN: (Lewd)
Would you mind if I chewed
on your shaven and lewd
circuitbreaker tonight?
Just a tender, small bite?
Chewing raises the cud
but a tongue is a dud
so the beacon may be
the old sentry for thee.


Swell, she said
a flare doth sprite
but questions are raised over herbivore’s rights?
Whether sentry is lewd and therefore to be eschewed
or if he’s like the Q1 lightening rod to be of conductor
… the striking from gods..? ? ?


HN: (Vice*)
He is all of those things
and descendant of kings,
he would steal lie or cheat
in an effort to meet
all the lust in the flesh
as he rises, so fresh,
in the morning of dreams
bursting modesty's seams.
As to rights he'll accept
either crude or inept
a small wave will suffice
it's all filed under 'VICE'.

It’s all filed under VICE in the
….what? she doth ask
Devices are instruments or so it would seam
to stitch flesh offending from modesty’s burst
Descendants of kings all end up lying in hearst
If they desist of adding anything short of rubies

There are rubies and rubes
there are hollowpoint tubes,
and the little guy's first
as the foam bubbles burst.

That’s sounds as lust to dessert
or peeling of armour away from shirt
but from rubicon’s cube
I’d want sapphires blue
Emeralds finest greens
and promises of pearls
for you just gotta know
I’m that kinda girl…

I had thought you would be
a good spirit, and free
not a sapphire blue
but an opal for you?
I would promise you pearls,
handed down from the Earls
would you like to move in
to my castle of sin?

If you dived for my pearls, not steal from the Earls
My spirit may consider a move to my like
But tell me dear boy does castle support dike?
And if is really is sin does the devil wear spikes?

I have dived for them, yes
In the waters off York
Though I freely confess
There was talk of a stork
See, this lass came to snooze
In my boat, right at dusk
Brought an Irishman’s booze
And the perfume of musk.
She took most of the pearls
In the dark of my night
An insult to all Earls
And a horrible sight
When she went to the jail
Where she married the chief
There was no one for bail
And this saved me some grief.
Let the past be forgotten
I shall send for you soon
Wear a mini of cotton
As you cross the lagoon.
I shall draw up the bridge
And will welcome you then
There is wine in my fridge
And a bed in my den.

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