In the beginning there was only God
The earth was without form and void
And God said
“Let there be light”
And God saw the light
He called the light the first day
“Let there be a firmament”
“Let the waters gathered together”
“Let the earth bring forth grass”
“Let the waters bring forth the moving creature”
God created the fishes
And God blessed them
“Let the earth bring forth plants and Cattle”
Then He made man in his own image and likeness
“And let them have dominion on all creatures”
And God blessed them
To subdue the earth
And God saw everything good
There was evening and there was morning—the sixth day.
God rested on the seventh
Now man exercises his dominion
First, created his high-tech world
Control his days and nights
Decided to rule everything on earth
He knows no boundaries nor rest
Man saw all of them so beautiful
Beyond his subsistence and whims
He created submarines for the waters
Fighter planes for the sky
Tanks to roam the earth
And soldiers to obey his commands.
He found them great and beautiful
But man was never contend
He created his own enemies for profit
His own war to control and enjoy
And finally, his own Death!
Man comes to rest
hey there sir... joseph ong here.... nice poem.. very touching.. it anchors deep to my heart...God bless
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
hi sir'... tHis s raLph'...! ! i likE tHis pOen vEry mUch'... i hOpe pOLiticians aNd othEr high rAnk pEople wiLL rEad this pOem and rEaLize thAt GOD madE this EARTH fOr evErybOdy nOt fOr thEmseLves onLy! ! ! GOD BLESS ALWAYS SIR'..>! ! ! hOpE to cOntinue aspiring pEopLe thrOugh ur pOems! ! ! ! _i.rOck'.oNtOn', ..._+++