Ghost-Town Stalkers Poem by Kelly Boutin

Ghost-Town Stalkers

You can feel them riding on your heels
but when you turn around
there's never anyone there.
Ghost-town stalkers.
I live in a ghost town,
everything looks closed-down.
The streets are always ghostly silent,
every house is always quiet,
and the school is boarded up,
they say the population is ten thousand
so where are they?
Ghost-town stalkers.
There's so much dust all around,
maybe they all turned to dust,
something brought me to this town,
ghost-town stalkers.
There's a picture of these kids
floating away on balloons
'Building Dreams, ' the sign says,
oh, if only they knew.
They act like that's what happened to them,
but I don't believe it's true,
I think that there's a prison camp
hidden beneath the school.
I'm so glad I'm free from all of that,
but still every day
the deputy stops and asks,
'Are you trying to get away? '
I wonder who runs that school,
ghost-town stalkers.
You can go in any store,
there are people at the desk
but every single cupboards bare
in every single house.
I wonder if behind that smile,
a handcuff holds them down
and behind those flowered curtains
sit the rulers of this town
ghost-town stalkers.
How do they know where we are?
Cameras in the sky
every TV sits and watches
and the streetlights all have eyes.
I need to get away from this place,
but then where can you go?
The whole world has turned into a cage,
and we're prisoners, don't you know?
Of ghost-town stalkers.
I applied at almost every store
and at all the motels
they ask me, 'Will you be here forever? '
As if they couldn't already tell.
This place is a tourist trap
the locals are the slaves,
I wonder if any tourists come back
or if any get away.
Ghost-town stalkers.

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