Given Up Poem by mary das

Given Up

All alone I'm driving
along the highway I'm speeding
know not where I'm leading
along my sorrows I'm taking
my Lord so loving
let my mind stop thinking
let my heart stop beating
let it be the ending.

Hazem Al Jaber 31 January 2009

felt within ever sadly words.. but, you should never give up.. since we give up, , that means, the end.. so plz don`t give up.. well done dear sweet mary.. yours.. hazem al..

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Rani Turton 22 February 2008

Don't give up Mary because pain is transitory and your destiny will gradually unfold itself. Have faith in yourself and your road in life.

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Farooq Hussain 19 September 2007

Life is full of hardships that doesn't mean to end the life. Instead you can make that effort an inspiration to go ahead and win this world. Life teaches stages on stages it is we who have to understand what we are doing and what is to be done. Well your poem was very good.

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 02 February 2007

life is pain sometimes, but we get through it... stronger than before.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 31 October 2006

This is something like crash landing somewhere. God created life for living and not for dying like this.

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