God Grant Me Your Peace Poem by Dave Dullum

God Grant Me Your Peace

Rating: 5.0

God, Grant me the Peace that only You can give;
the Peace that comes from within when we believe in Him.
Lord, let your light shine for all the world to see;
let it shine from people who are " born again" like me.

God Grant Me Your Peace, and walk beside me as I travel the road called life;
I know that I will have trials and errors, but with you beside me I will succeed.

Jesus, guide me in Your ways so that I can show the World who you are;
That is the way you want it and that is the way it shall be.

Sylvia Frances Chan 08 February 2022

Impressive poem, certainly a gem, so very happy to have met another poet who believes in God. Well captured Devotional.5 Stars full on TOP

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Chinedu Dike 08 January 2022

Beautiful devotional piece written with spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing and do remain blessed.....

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xosives220 xswedc 08 January 2022

I like how his poems have a happy mood to them but they don't rhyme and poems have to rhyme, , , , , , , w.w.w.n.o.w.3.7.c.o.m

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