Goddess Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


Most charming and most wonderful,
She is sheer stunning and captivating
In whatever angle, wherever you look,
The divine creation lets you not down.

Microscopes borrowed from within,
I employed x-rays deep from my soul,
Telescopes lent by the doubting toms,
All showed her spotless selfless soul.

She is dawn's rising cool Sun all day,
Fullmoon's warm bright smile at night;
Irresistible spell spread algate all round,
She's creator's skill, beyond my grasp.

A designer jewel carved of pure gold,
Brightest diamond of stainless glow
Of billion colours wrapped around,
I found heaven itself sculpted as her.

She is a magic while seen close by,
She's pure light while shine from far;
Close or far, it's immaterial to her,
Time and space affect no divine ones.

Her lips like rose; smile, white jasmine,
Every word she speaks is pearl itself;
Depth of her eyes, bright glow from it
Soaks in bliss, inaccessible anywhere.

She is pure nectar in bright soul of her,
Blossom in bloom spreading fragrance;
Deep in heart, she's gentle, innocent,
She is the sum of all good in the world.

Beauty is what she gives out of her,
Truth is what she creates out of her;
I find no realities, exist beyond her
In worlds that shed all evils from it.

Gentle she's, yet firm to her truths,
Harmony, her nature, wherever she is;
She is the glow flashing from heaven
To trace and bond me forever to her.

I wonder how blessed have I been,
For spelled and charmed by her form;
She uplifted me to a glorious world,
And guided me to heavenly height.

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