Gone Are The Days... Poem by Francois GUIMATSIA

Gone Are The Days...

Gone are the days of songs and dances,
And all the moonlight ritual ceremonies
That used to be our major activities.

When in deep sorrow we bury our friends,
Victims of pandemics or road accidents!

When we feel helpless and rootless,
In a world that is deaf and sightless!

When corruption has put out our lights,
Tightening its hold on many of our rights!

When millions of migrants and refugees
Need emergency assistance in our countries!

When Africa is today a tip for dumping
False medication and second-hand clothing!

When pollution leads to climate change,
Making clean water and air a challenge!

When today the West is a giant fortress
That keeps at bay all beggars in distress!

Gone are our elaborate songs and dances:
We do have more urgent wars to wage today,
Knowledge and work will light up our way.

Monday, September 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: african poem,lyrical
Africans waste so much time, and they have so many things to do! Time, as well as money, should be well spent by time-conscious people and nations.
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