Great Britain And Portugal Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Great Britain And Portugal

Great Britain and Portugal

London and number ten
-are in deep trouble

And I look in two ways
-what they did to me and
-as person, human

First makes me happy but
-Second is a brake to stop
-therefore I sympathise

Still, see many who
-sign their names
-call their land
-"The Great Britain"

In times I laugh
-in times
-want to chat
-have a talk

"Hey friends…"
-want to sit and tell them:
-"…the Great Britain is of past…
-…when the sun was always in sky…
-…never set in your land…
-…The Great Britain…"

Then after want to be too humble,
-want to beg
-want to ask:
-"…let's accept what is fact…
-…you killed and destroyed…
-…you burned them while alive…
-…you lied and promised…
-…you cheated, politics…
-…whenever, wherever…
-…you found it as useful…
-…whatever you have done…
-…you have done and is done…
-…there will be no return…
-…so accept that today is today…"

I look into mirror
-think before I decide
-to let mouth be opened
-I too, am one of them
-but Iran's, Persia's…
-and drunk with my past
-look to see our large map…
-Asia, Africa and Europe…

Go back to my den and
-rearrange my words and
-conclude to speak
-in a way different

"Medicine my friends…"
-I think and prepare
-seems to be Socrates
-let us be brave and
-raise the bowl to drink
-poison of the law…
-with nature amigos
-we have to get along

Let's confess
-gone is gone
-past is past
-for you and for Greeks
-for Persians, Portuguese,
-Spanish, Germanic

I want to ask them then:
"Let us tell the Yankees and Russians
-this life is a short lived
-will not last forever!
-we can be examples as are the
-Macedonia, Alexander
-without rights
-to be called with own name…"

I brake
-full stop

Sunday, June 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: historical
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