Greed Poem by maas weerabangsa



Oh Adam you were fashioned by God out of earth,He breathed life into you with his image from birth;He created Ewe a woman to be his beloved mate, He gave them Eden and opened paradise gate.

Adam you succumbed to your mate's need, You ate the forbidden fruit in your greed;Heavenly pleasures you lost for your sin,As you let your evil mate's temptation win.

A forbidden fruit Oh Adam you ate with your mate,For the two of you to regret it is now too late;From the garden of Aden you were cast away, For this cardinal sin we humans still do pay.

You were condemned Oh Adam to provide for the rest of your life,Ewe you were condemned to serve as his blessed wife; Hence forth man shall toil till the day is gone,So shall women labor when every child is born.

You shall build dwellings as long as you live,A penalty for your sin and it's not new; You will till the Earth and plant many a seed,As you will have in life many a mouths to feed.

Livestock you will breed and grains you will grow,A payment for your greed a lesson you should know;You shall have no peace for the rest of your life,Throughout your life you will have a nagging wife.

For a better part of life you will suffer Oh woman, Cursed with a monthly cycle a bleeding thing that's common; The penalty for your sin as you live in this earth, Painfully you will suffer at each and every birth.

Ten long months you will pay for a few moments of joy,Till a child is born not knowing if it's a girl or boy;A good bosom you will have with plenty of milk to flow, You will suckle the young and watch themas they grow.

Like an insatiable animal you would always be, Even if you have in plenty you would want things free; With contempt Oh man forever you will breed,Obsessed you are Oh woman with evil and greed,

These are some of the virtues of the human lot, Sinful gifts to humans from Adam and Ewe we got; For another humans fault dear God why punish me, Adam and Ewe may have sinned but I was born free.

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