Green Bees In Oz Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Green Bees In Oz

green bees in oz

I thought of that one april dawn

or just because

while wintering at my table

no moonlight coming in

the residents restless in the hallways.

there must have been

green bees in oz.

maybe you think what an odd

subject for a poem

Frank Baum wouldnt think so.

and he was the real man behind the

curtain who failed at chicken farming

and in furnishing his emporium out

with too many beautiful not useful items.

like pitch forks and hay balers.

Oz was beautiful. Useful too.

useful too is dreaming about

green bees in oz.

not fighting for any cause but the imagination free

and open in the Kansas dust and floating beyond

where dreams chip rust

in the once upon in search of green honey

and really, really not for money.

mary angela douglas 7 april 2020

poem for an upcoming book: green cherry on top
this is an imaginary title of an imaginary book
because the Ozian poet is forever shifting the
titles of book proposals and works in progress.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: cause,green
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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