Growth & Changes Poem by ROGEL FRANCIS SORIOSO

Growth & Changes

If you were only Good or Bad since you were born then you made no changes once you die
If you made no mistakes or even did something new then you didn't grow let me tell you why
For changes and growth happens when you've been through the harsh and savage reality
Which forces you to explore and make the wrong turns as a normal member of humanity
So if you were only Good or Bad in your entire life then you did not grow or change at all
The changes and growth which are a part of life's continuing cycle as the nature's own call
So let us admit that we've all told a lie once or even twice somewhere in the past
Its something bad but not necessarily evil unless we shall do it until the very last
Even gambling should not be a sin for life is already a gamble once you leave your home
Betting your own life to the danger outside where anything could happen where you roam
How could smoking tobacco and drinking wine be a sin if its a product of our God
I don't quite see how something which makes you feel good could be possibly bad
If its only the deaths which concerns you then you're not totally smart or bright
For death comes to us all regardless of what we do whether it is wrong or right
But why are you all even afraid of dying when you are finally going to meet your God
I would rather die now so I could spend time with the one who gave me all that I had
To die and be in the company of God for all eternity is greater than life and any love
While most of you hypocrites are afraid of dying to face our own God from up above
I would rather kiss the lips of death to taste the sweetness of Glory, Honor and Victory
So tell me how do you define Good in general and where do you draw the line between evil
Does good means obeying the Commandments or to follow the Law of the State
How about evil? Do we even have to understand it well and do we contemplate
For in every written Law or Beliefs in our existence have a certain exception
Which includes everything Good or Bad like smoking, eating or conception
So you consider yourself as pro-life by denying the use of birth control before intercourse
While you allow others to starve on the streets or in their homes while doing nothing
How do you even define pro-life as they endure such hunger and pain over something
So how could you consider smoking and drinking bad when you're already old and useless
When you yourself is dying from too much sugar or fat which you consider to be harmless
So I smoke and drink simply because it gives me all the delight and all of the pleasure
If its a waste of money so why do you buy expensive gadgets and jewelries as a treasure
We won't hate all of your fancy treasures if you won't mind our own pleasure as well
We all have our fascinations in something which give us joy is what I'm trying to tell
Money were made to be spent but there's nothing wrong with saving just enough
We do not want to be greedy that we kept too much by becoming selfishly tough
The Growth or Changes happens when we see the brighter side of our understanding
When we let go of our primitive beliefs which made us usually common in the ending
We will not become a better people and nation if we allow ourselves be governed by fear
The fear that religion or culture gave us which made us all blind or deaf to see and hear
To see and hear those other people who are liberated but outstandingly better in achievement
For they didn't let their faith or tradition stop them from Growing and Changing the moment

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