'Guilty Feelings' Poem by Linda Winchell

'Guilty Feelings'

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You make me feel guilty
when you come home moping through the door.
I can't help it I'm not suppling that extra income
to our household anymore.

I didn't mean to fall
and now, not be able to work!
I feel bad enough you know
without you acting like a jerk!

I give you what we can afford
and I don't eat much to survive.
If I cut back anymore on things
I'll be eating grass and flowers outside!

And how your acting when I come home
from shopping at the store.
Makes a person not want to go out
I can't stay home, seven and twenty-four!

I have applied for all kinds of jobs
but the market doesn't want someone, it seems my age.
All they want to give you for work consist of
greeting at Wal*Mart, or behind a glass enclosed cage!

I guess you'll just have to get over it
or get a second or third job!
And I think folks still get arrested dear
if they go to banks, with masks and guns and rob?

Then I see that banks are folding
but the Goverments bailing out their butts!
So they give the rich a helping hand
but they don't seem to care about poor us!

Maybe I'm making too much of this?
And just feeling a bit stressed?
So forgive me honey if all this Recession and me not working
has gotten you all depressed.

Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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