Haylee And Wade Poem by Brooke Luchich

Haylee And Wade

Rating: 5.0

My beautiful little princess Haylee with such a gorgeous smile, ,
She makes my crazy life completely worthwhile.
Her cheeky little laugh and all the random things that she says, ,
Can always cheer me up no matter how bad things have been that day.
She always want to be just like me and sometimes it drives me mad, ,
But it’s a laugh when she talks like me or says things like “peace out” or “your rad”.
When I’m sad she’ll hug me and sing til I smile and my eyes are dry, ,
She smiles at me and ends the song with “See Brookie, , big girls don’t cry”.
And then there’s my cheeky little man Wade, he’s definitely one of a kind, ,
When he does his little smile yooh can only imagine what’s going through his mind.
He’s always doing random things and running around full bore, ,
Better watch out this little boy is going to be a troublemaker for sure.
He’s a total mummy’s boy and he absolutely loves the word no, ,
He’ll kiss and cuddle everyone if it makes him the centre of the show.
He’s tries to talk up a storm it makes yooh realise how fast time flies, ,
But to me he’ll always be a sweet little boy with big blue eyes.
I couldn’t live without either them and all the happiness they bring, ,
Their not just my niece and nephew, they’re my everything.

Carol Gall 15 June 2009

wonderful poem your love for them is shown in your words

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