Hazel Sleep Poem by Dakota Ellerton

Hazel Sleep

The church of saints,
with blood red doors.
A woman would go every week,
she'd pray for the ill,
and bless the new.
This woman had faith once,
she believed nothing could stand in her way.
Perfectly long blond hair,
and the deepest hazel -blue eyes.
What kind of woman was this?
She'd sit in the same pew,
and lower her head.
A moment of silence for those who she'd lost,
and for those who she loved.
Thankful for what she had,
she would dropp to a kneel.
'Oh Lord, you have given me much, you have truely blessed me, I will walk through the valley of death, and fear no evil, carry my soul home.'
The Lord had given her life,
now He'd have it back.
The kiss of Cancer lays in this womans bones now.
'Dear Lord, you have given me much, all I ask is your protect my child.'
A mothers tears shed,
each day, everyday,
for weeks, months.
No longer does this woman go to the church with blood stained doors,
She lay motionless in her bed.
Pictures on the night stand,
her son by her side.
'Mother, I'm here now.'
He spoke softly.
Looking at her,
he began to cry.
'Oh Lord, my mother has been good to your name, why must you take her away? '.
It's as if his qeustion was answered.
The elderly woman opened her eyes,
and spent her last breathe,
on the words she kept close.
'Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep'.

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