David Taylor Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love Without A Doubt

How do you write a poem
about Love?
It cannot be caught
and is beyond words'

A Kiss

Sweetness is on your lips
like honey flavoured early morning dew.
And your eyes have a depth of blue
that even deepest oceans cannot match

Because You'Re Beautiful

Because you’re Beautiful
This poem’s addressed
To you
Because you’re beautiful

A Confusion Of Mixed Feelings

In the outward movement of our senses
we revel in a range of tastes
many very fine and some we know
to be perhaps a little base.

Beauty, Beautious, Beautiful

Beauty is not a superficial form
Each has their own in essential nature
And in the actions they perform
Until the dissolution of their life

Memories Of The Beach

We went to the beach to get wind in our hair
to stand on the sand and simply to stare.
To let the surf tickle toes and dampen our clothes
as we played 'run away'

A Little Love Poem...

I dreamed a little dream of you;
too small a dream to contain
all the ways you reach out to me,
too short to encompass your eternity,

A Cold Night

A snowy icy night, painted hill tops all are white,
all the rivers flow like ice, and raindrops fall as hail,
from so very, very high, above.
Whispered breath, a smoky kind of grey,


Words don't matter he said,
only the silence in which they appear.
How may I write of that silence said I

A New Vessel

The clay lay on the table before me;
it has just arrived and freed from its sack
with preserving amniotic fluid.
When it had first arrived at the door

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