Hearts Become Sones Poem by Chan Mongol

Hearts Become Sones

Hearts become stones

Most words are about own autobiography as my story;

As I passed the meaningless past life painfully!

I couldn't compromise to survive as anyone's crew;

I was not as smart as they were and that's very true!

I already passed by enire life so fast, where none loved me;

At this brink of life one wants to marry me surprisingly!

I have to sponsor her because, she is in far overseas;

She knows my age, health conditions and that I am not rich!

I may be still fool and don't understand what's the catch;

How can I convince her that we don't at all match!

We also have a huge linguistic bar between us hanging;

Also, in my handicap life, something is better than nothing!

Bad behavior is everywhere with those people who are elders;

Even, adult children send old parents to those shelters!

You made them but that doesn't constitue they have to help you;

The harsh truth is, everybody grow up to walk in own avenue!

It's hard to get love and emotion from another person;

Many folks replace hearts with stones and you live alone.

By Chan Mongol
January 10 of 2023

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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