- Heavesn & I (With Other 4 Poems)by Munir Mrzyed Poem by WorldPoetry USNB

- Heavesn & I (With Other 4 Poems)by Munir Mrzyed

Rating: 3.0

- Heavesn & I

I behold the sky as a blooming rose
And clouds as magic caves
Delivering souls in likeness of green birds
Flying in flocks
Nesting on a fabled tree

Surrounded by all the stars
I rest in the shade of God
Weaving verses from the threads of magic
While the nymphs are dancing in joy around me
Thus the spirit cleansed from sins
Ready to enter God's supremacy....

- Delirium of Nostalgia

Flocks of mystical birds
Drenched by the rain of nostalgia
Soaring in the space of my memory
See my breaths planting the aromas of passion
In the sea of lust…

Thus the sea savors lusciously
The sweetness of my delirium
Fluttering his wings
Flying towards your breast…!

- The Waves of Passion

Under the rain of ecstasy
A woman with the taste of odes
Savors the flames of imagination
From the cup of my soul..

She teaches me how to dive
In the waters of light
I behold myself bleeding the perfume of desire
Over the flesh of dream
Riding the waves of passion
Going back to the orchids of eternity…

- Savoring the Light

The lament of light is a river
Flowing into the sea of spirit
And the wound of the night is longer than death
The butterfly of poetry tries to savor them both…

The flowers of the dream tree
Fall with all their magic perfume
In the cup of meditation…

Thus the walls of unseen collapse
And heaven dissolves
By drop between my lips …!

- The Divine Luminosity

Longing for the rain that burns with passion
Whilst my spirit bathes in the divine luminosity
I drink the wine of your charm
From the dream cup…

Thus I travel with utter ecstasy to your realm
Plucking the roses of your breast

Munir Mrzyed,well-known international writer (poet, novelist & translator)who writes in both English and Arabic and his poetry works have been published worldwide, translated to Romanian, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Danish, Greek, German, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, Albanian, Indonesian, Persian, Hindi …etc.

He studied in and the U.S.A, traveled all around the world and settled himself in in 2005 where he found his freedom after he had left where his work was banned there as well as in due to his liberal thinking and his struggle for democracy and human rights.

Jazib Kamalvi 28 August 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Wwpoemhunter. Read my poem, Poem Hunter. Thanks

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