Help Me To Learn O Poem by Gary James Smith

Help Me To Learn O

Help Me To Learn

Help me to learn to love you Lord
In my living from day to day
Help me to find a quiet spot
In which to meditate and to pray
To cast on you my every care
For you have a listening ear
Expressing with complete honesty
For it's the truth that you hold dear

May my heart be glad to praise
And give you adoration
For your blessing unto me Lord
In the gifting of Thy Salvation
May my heart be moved to seek
Another struggling brother
And point him to the way of the Cross
To that name that's like none other

For the Son of man....praise God He came
To seek and to save the lost
The closer I come to know You Lord
The greater I appreciate your cost
You shed your blood for my sin debt
And paid its fullest price
The forgiveness that flows in side of me
Gives praise for your Sacrifice

I've drawn nigh unto you Lord
And you've drawn nigh unto me
I sense the presence of your Spirit
With the spirit that lives in me
My refreshment comes from God
With a rejoicing that's surreal
I'm telling you staight up my friend
I've found a Friend that's real!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright February 21 2021 11: 42 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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