Helping Others Poem by Randy McClave

Helping Others

Rating: 5.0

I climbed the highest steeple
Proclaiming I like helping people,
I never asked for anything in return
Praying and hoping other people will take their turn.
Of course I've been used and tricked
And also robbed and kicked,
But, I have always enjoyed to help others
Giving instead of taking is always my druthers.
I have walked into many different lands
I have never ignore outstretched hands,
Whether with my wallet or with my sweat
The outcome and the help I never regret.
I never wondered what Jesus would do
If he had met either me or you,
He would had gave all that he had
Which makes me joyous, proud and glad.
I see and know of others who will help no-one
Instead they ridicule and mock and then go on,
While they are seeking an award or a plaque
They are stabbing someone else in the back.
Many see homeless, the needy, and the bums
I instead see where hope and what faith becomes,
We are praised by our acts and our deeds
Not by our diamonds, or our pearl beads.
To help others I am also proudly here
Never with judgment or hate or fear,
One day I will climb the highest mountain
And I will drink from a golden fountain.

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, January 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: christian,love
Bernard F. Asuncion 26 January 2020

A well composed magnificent poem...10++👌

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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