Her Cold Heart Poem by THEODORE MOSLEY

Her Cold Heart

A baby is born and life has no meaning to her without guidance from love.

Love caused the night to arrive on pain that her body did not understand.

She cried for no more days of hands that cradled her in darkness.

Unable to speak the language that bears scares on her body she collapses.

Instead of inheriting love she inherited torments that belonged to another.

Innocent and chaste she reaches for words of tranquil days that would caress her.

We spent nine months together holding each other breathing for each other.

I depend on you for life after life that you gave me in the days of laughter.

Now you give me unprotected love that causes me to long for hidden tears of joy.

Your open heart surgery of agony from your sacred vows of betrayal has betrayed me.

Listen to my heartbeat of one that is one with yours; hold me in the confines of my love for you.

My body is now your sacrifice of rage that you see in me because of him.

You have sentenced me unjustly for love; her cold heart is camouflaged with love on sinking sand.

Written by Theodore Mosley

December 27,2018

Friday, December 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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