How Can I Forget You Poem by Audrey Heller

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Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida

How Can I Forget You

Today started out, like any ordinary
day, but lo and behold my mind
began to stray! I started to think, of
the times we were together and how
much, I missed seeing you! But no
matter how much I may think about it,
my wish, can never come true! Gone
are the days, we'd get together, the
thought of it, just makes me sad! If
only you were still around, we'd have
so much to talk about, as you were,
the perfect dad! It's a very long time
since you've gone, but my feelings
for you, just go on and on! How, can I
forget you? There's no way that can
possibly be, for in my heart, we'll never
part and that's alright, with me! So until
the day we'll be together, my thoughts,
will always stray. But frankly, I don't mind
it, for it's as if, you never, went away!

Wendy Thopliss 07 February 2011

Lovely words Audrey, I lost my dad years ago but he's alwas's close in my heart. Nice poem. Wendy.x

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1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida
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