How Could You Cross Poem by Neela Nath Das

How Could You Cross

Rating: 5.0

How could you cross the rainbow bridge at this tender age?
How could you say 'No' to all the promises?
Tomorrow, the Sun will shine to turn the past days new,
Morning grasses will wait to touch your feet with dew.
That little bird near your window whose song you loved once,
Will certainly miss you and your wonderful dance.
The roads will never see you treading on their chest.
Because, you are no more here and taking eternal rest.
But, life never stops for anyone and tear dries soon,
Your pals and kin will chase after time to get its boon.
They will weep for someday but soon they shine in delight,
They know after darkness, there is boundless light.

Your favourite books, costumes, will be turning old,
Your memory will sleep in Time's thousand fold.
How could you tread alone, alone on the milky way dear?
You used to scream in darkness out of horrible fear.
How could you cross the Rainbow Bridge alone, alone,
With burnt mind on the path of friendless zone?
How could you cross the Rainbow Bridge at this tender age?
How could you say 'No' to all the Promises?

Friday, December 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death
Savita Tyagi 31 December 2018

Heart screams in pain when a loved one is lost at a tender age. Some very true emotions streaming from this poem. read a poem of yours after a long time. Wish you joy and peace for coming year.

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Neela Nath Das 31 December 2018

Thank you for your precious review and Wish for New Year.Yes, I lost my younger brother.I can't forget him.Whenever I write the theme of Death comes on my pen. Anyway, hope 2019 will bring for you and your family incessant happiness.Happy New Year.

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