Walk With Me A While Poem by Neela Nath Das

Walk With Me A While

Rating: 4.6

Walk with me for a while,
Throw your glum, and please, smile-
Our heaven is not very near.....
See there a grove of pine,
Standing calmly with green shine.
Hold my hand and take me there.
Are you angry? No, chuckle on your face,
I also want life and your tight embrace!
Two ways are there, which one to share?
Ah! the lonely, thready, still lane,
Inviting us, to shed our strain-
Let's walk thru the rain-soaked pine and fir....
For us now, divinity is in everything,
Whatever, exists here, and He does bring-
Nothing is extremely unfair.
So, flash with delight, and take stroll,
Celestial abode of love is our final goal!

Kim Barney 18 August 2015

Very nice. Congratulations on having it selected as Poem of the Day! At first glance I thought the second line said Throw away your gum...

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Kasia Fedyk 13 July 2012

Nila, just beautiful, it is so subtle and so much truth as we stand together and walk the path on a heavens cloud. Yes, so beautiful Divinity is in everything. Sublime poem Nila, I love it so much! Love, Kasia

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Kamal N. Baruah 14 July 2012

can't express in words how lovely this is......! !

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Lyn Paul 18 August 2015

A soothing poem with a beautiful title, thank you

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Valsa George 20 July 2014

A beautiful poem...... through the shady grove of pine, tread hand in hand through the untrodden path to the celestial abode of love! Enjoyed!

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Tom Allport 24 May 2017

a lovely poem of togetherness through and thin? ...........well written

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Rebecca Lyle 04 April 2017

very lovely work, thanks ffor sharing it.

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Mountain Man 30 August 2016

An excellent poem there...

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Rajnish Manga 21 December 2015

Beautiful portrayal of the serene expanse of nature on way to the man's final destination is quite heart touching. Thanks for this amazing poem. I quote a few lines: Let's walk thru the rain-soaked pine and fir.... For us now, divinity is in everything, Celestial abode of love is our final goal!

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Dr Antony Theodore 27 August 2015

So, flash with delight, and take stroll, Celestial abode of love is our final goal! seeking divinity in everything. what a mature thinking. thank you.

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