How Do People Of High Or Low Intelligence Think Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

How Do People Of High Or Low Intelligence Think

Being most of my life open minded
it is sad when most never were.
Unable to change
their position when more reliable information
is brought.
I am constantly calculating
chess having learned at age three
mastered tic tac toe and checkers blurted out
answers to Art Flemming's jeopardy
before most adults at twelve.
Realising that with age that I can no longer
remember how to tie my own tie.
Pie no longer concerns me.
Sitting upstairs on the porch in my lonely ghetto
I see the black children playing around me I don't
interrupt their perfect world mine has dissolved around me.
Large crowds now scare me I can no longer
anticipate by the look on the face of the thief when around me.
Introverted writing I am easily over loaded
by illogical thinking.
I ignore most rude behavior words that were never given
much thought to
I realise now how much more dangerous those other people are
and why those old white haired Republicans
want most of them in prison though this kind of thinking
is wrong.
Issues that are given no thought of
simple questions like do people who have trapped them selves
in poverty by having all those children
do they have them just to receive money from the government?
Scary thoughts like those no one will speak of questions are.
I still know that the probability of certain things that are bad
are based on certain factors
tangible things like do I have a higher chance of being killed
if I by crack from a white guy verses a black one?
Things I no longer pay attention to that can still kill you dead
called situational awareness.
Now I sit back and watch waiting for the explosion that
will come
watching people whom never could being never to bright
try to take advantage of people
who don't like being taken advantage of.
I never cared what those other people did so long as it didn't
effect me
being of low intelligence unable to think I spent hundreds
of hours
lost in thought about how they thought
or even if they did
as Florida has over one hundred prisons that are kept filled.
Is the moon a big moon when if on the moon
earth's not seen.
Where would man be
if there had not burgeoned intelligent people to show
and invent
all those things that are here that given thought to you know
would never be.
And all the hatters that batter down the doors because
you have spoken and brought attention to
those things that they hate and have no courage to speak of.

Saturday, August 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: green
James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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