How Superb [rev] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

How Superb [rev]

I get into the car fired up with bright energy; since
a most arrogant person insulted those very people
he's begged financial subsistence from for his vital
abettance - regarding himself an artist so genially
looking down upon all as his servants - by talking

I missed the cues indicating you've had enough -
you burst out with wild energy - stop talking - shut
up; I don't want to hear; you've been talking about
the subject for 5 mins, quieten down, I don't want
to know how you're testing my patience!

Being an idiot, I defended myself until common my
sense kicked in; yes, you have no tolerance for any
information about my feelings - I must keep it aloof
for writing & just talk about the weather, cars, sport,
the kids, the house, pensions, retirement, caravans

No news items, nothing read, no response to what's
happening or theories - what a benevolent dictator
you are; your magnificent magnanimous beneficence
stretches unto heaven in spite of the fact that I irritate
and bore you to death, you still take such good care

Of us; what idiocy it is to talk to you, the daughter of
Conan the Barbarian is my being, I was destined to
marry Bluebeard and here you are, a true Scorpion
forcing the crocodile into hiding - how marvellous you
arrange everything - how blue the pool, how

Well-mannered our son and daughter - why, it's a
privilege to be silenced by you, to learn to count my
words and write them down for posterity - and how
excellent that your reticence teaches me to pluck the
thoughts from my head and put them in perspective

They would have been wasted on you: how superb
that you refuse to listen and keep me writing…

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: feelings,satire
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