How To Murder Someone Poem by Pranayee Rachamalla

How To Murder Someone

When you want to murder someone,
with a very strong reason,
and want not to go to prison,
So read further, according to my suggestion,
This task can be done without a drop of blood, wound or abrasion.
Even without clues, fingerprints or stain,
this plan is a cold blooded murder, without any tension or strain,
Just you need to do is, take an entry pass or application
to enter that person's heart and there find an accommdation,
kindle them with care and let them drown in your affection,
be their best-friend, until you are everything to them,
then as per your revenge, leave them in that situation,
It would be so horrible, that it can't even reach my imagination.
like this, murdering of their heart is done!
because bones are many, you can't plan to break them
they can heal soon, but heart is one!
Though that single one break, there is no adhesion,
Hence your revenge is fulfilled, and ego finds its satisfaction;
Till here i wanted to end my poem,
but extended and edited, with some intention,
because just as this poem, i murdered someone,
their heart i mean, with my poem,
due to some misunderstanding and failing to understand my perception;
My friend broke their heart, reading my poem
without understanding my intention,
Though mistake was mine, for writing that silly poem!
without even a reasonable reason.....

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: murder
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