Hughes Selwyn Mauberley Iv.(Translation) . Poem by Michael Walker

Hughes Selwyn Mauberley Iv.(Translation) .

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Ceux-ci combattirent en tout cas,
et quelques-uns croyant,
pro domo, en tout cas...
quelques-uns s'armerent vite,
quelques-uns pour l'aventure,
quelques-uns de peur ou de faiblesse,
quelques-uns de peur ou de censure,
quelques-uns de l'amour de tuer, en imagination,
apprenant plus tard...
quelques-uns ayant peur, apprenant l'amour de tuer;

Quelques-uns moururent, pour la patrie,
non 'doux' non 'et decor'...
ils marcherent profonds comme les yeux en enfer
croyant aux mensonges des vieillards, puis non croyants
rentrerent chez eux a un mensonge,
chez eux a beaucoup de tromperies,
chez eux aux vieux mensonges et une nouvelle infamie;
l'usure vieille comme l'age
et des menteurs et dense comme l'age
et des menteurs aux places publiques.

Hardis comme jamais auparavant, le gaspillage comme jamais auparavant.
Du jeune sang et du sang de haute naissance,
des joues fines, et de beaux corps;

la fortitude comme jamais au passe,
la franchise comme jamais au passe,
des desabusements dont on ne raconta jamais aux jours passes,
des hysteries, des confessions de retranchements,
du rire des estomacs morts.

-' Hugh Selwyn Mauberley IV. (Contacts et Vie) . Ezra Pound.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Poem Hunter/ Ezra Pound/ poems/ biography. The effective rhetoric is obvious: repetition of 'some' and 'as never before'.
Pound uses the persona of 'Hugh Selwyn Mauberley' to express his own views on war and society. He writes, after World War I, about why so many Englishmen served in that war; 'some were quick to arm'... some for love of slaughter'. Some were afraid of being conscientious objectors. They fought in the hell of the trenches, 'believing in old men's lies, then unbelieving'. The ones who survived came home 'to many deceits...and liars in public places'. These young men were candid 'as never before', showed 'fortitude as never before', unlike the old politicians in public places.
Michael Walker 12 June 2018

A most perceptive comment on a controversial poem. Thanks.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 05 June 2018

An amazing poem that has impressed you is beautifully translated into French. The War on that massive scale cannot be justified, and Ezra Pound was definitely very brave enough to say so.Believing in the lies of old men and then of unbelievers is so sad really. Liars in public places wander. Old wear age. War provokes thought...10

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