Humanism.02 Poem by Mashiur Rahman


All of you have different differences, Like you are from different Areas, different Countries, different Nations! But remember, all of you are one, equaly live in the one World and the children of this Universe.

You disagree with other's choice of optionals, but you remember that your fundamentals are 'the same' with other's. For example, you disagree to any specific food of different foods, but you eat, it's true and you eat every day by your mouth, It's true and everyone have mouth. Foods are optional but to take food by mouth is equal for whole world. In different regions of the world, different foods are grown, people who live in those areas eat those foods, and if anyone discriminates against one or two food, he won't be a human being of great intelligence. Because of the geographical environment of the weather is not one in Worldwide, it is important for you to survive in one area and that area say to take area base food.Therefore, no food can be called absolutely forbidden and no food can be called essential for every place of world.

You disagree with other's costume, but before that you have to understand the basics; Your basics are to cover the limbs, just cover it up? No, it has something to do with comfort. Wrap yourself in warm clothes in the winter but in the hot? On the contrary image, as little as possible to use short clothing can feel comfortable. But if I'masked to wear winter clothes even in hot weather, how will you feel? And the difference between these optional things is the culprit of gross intelligence and distinguishing narrowness.

In terms of religion, the basic thing of man is to focus on sex as well as to keep sex safe and secure. It is said that avoiding the inclination of sex by Such foods are not eat. It is not right to forbid anything in a particular way. Restrictions on pouring something will cause imbalances in the world, normalcy will be lost. For example, if one topic is pressed for the whole year, then the issue of summer time will be unusual in winter or in winter. Normality or balance will be lost.
The real purpose is to keep sex safe. What you need here first is to make a big change in think and attitude. If your fundamentals or essence are to make sex safe, then your point of view should be, 'Even if my opposite sex is half naked, I will not have a problem'. My problem will not beIn any art, dance or music.
However, those who have problems will stay away from them or be in a safe distance because this is their own problem.

Restrictions given by different religions prohibit sexism from focusing on sex, listening to music, and forbidding sexuality in the arts or work for which it is forbidden, cannot be called a civil dance. The basic thing is to keep sex safe, for this to be a rule for everyone, it means to impose them on people who are stupid. But if we are told to change our mental attitude and change ourselves like that, it is the conduct of the higher intelligence or the knowledgeable people.

Trying to be wise and take a path like that.

Let the humanity win.

Joy Bangla

Mashiur Rahma

Mashiur Rahman

Mashiur Rahman

Naogaon, Bangladesh
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