Hush Words Poem by beibee beibee

Hush Words

i watched a whispering palm sharing
hush-words with a soothing wind blowing

i listened with awe as a bird sang away her heart
with such reverberating rendition
i marvelled...
my heart reaching a new height

i paused
in ecstatic delight of a fusion of sounds
a symphony of sonorous sing-song
i pondered
where was i when nature began to speak?

i began
i began to concern myself with what lay in my hand
about the dreams unshared and those unfolding

in my hand
i saw thread of lines running across my palm
like an undying childhood memory
that crawls with old age

in my hand
i held a destiny that was eternally mine
and a future that was undyingly yours

i opened my eyes
i opened my hand...

i have dreamt of whispering palm and chirping bird...
i am yet to hold your hand in my hand
i am yet to see you beyond the waves in my head
that hit against the rocks of my heart

i opened my mouth
drew a long breath and wished for words
i wished for words upon words...
i lost their echoes in the sea of my wandering mind
there were times words have failed me until i opened my mind

i opened my mind
i found missing meanings and muddled musings
i opened my mind
i found untitled feelings and uncompiled thinkings
and i kept opening...
i kept opening and opening and opening my mind

i reached my heart
the seat of motivation
i closed my eyes and went groping inwardly...

i found
i found a plethora of passion and reason
unsung, untitled...
i found a euphony of voice and silence
protesting, placating
i found, i found, and i found
i found there's no end to the depth of my soul

i found
i found in my moments of reassuring myself
that i was worth the world's affection
that i was worth the world's attention
i found you
i found you adding more bright colours to the canvass of my life
i found you
i found you from a distance drawing ever closer to me
i found you like a rare gem never to be lost
never to be traded; never to be abandoned...

i wondered
i wondered could friendship be this strong and real?
could distance engender nearness?
what magic do we hold for each other?
i wondered why are we both standing hand in hand
shoulder to shoulder in our mindsets?
could this be a slow passing fancy?

life's questions
like the sands of the sea are
can one possibly find answers to them all?
why would i?
why would you?
why would one grope in the darkness of distance
for a face not ever seen before?

i paused
i paused for not knowing it all
even the depth of my heart
i paused for knowing what my heart yearns for
i paused for knowing what i do not know...

i paused
i paused for i cannot possibly share what i don't have
for knowing what i seek is the future
and it is in the future

i paused for you to look me in the eyes
i paused for you search out what your own heart harbours
i paused for you to add better meaning to your passion and reason

beibee beibee

beibee beibee

Island Maternity Lagos, Nigeria
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