I Am... Poem by Jim Yerman

I Am...

I am history you insidious people!
by definition I have happened and I have passed.
You cannot erase my memories…for my influence is vast.

People know what happened!
Your attempts to ignore me is barbaric and misbegotten.
People know what happened! …and people talk…
therefore…I shall never be forgotten.

I am books you ignorant people!
I am written to make you think, to make you angry…to inspire.
Any attempt to burn or ban me will ultimately backfire.

People will remember words they've read.
Your attempts to remove them is barbaric and misbegotten.
My words will be re-written…therefore…they shall never be forgotten.

I am free speech you fools!
I originate in the minds of people from the East, West, North and South.
Do you think you can stop my mind from thinking just because you close my mouth?

Your attempts to take away my speech is barbaric and misbegotten.
Because I refuse to wear your muzzle…hence…my words will never be forgotten.

Yes…I am history, I am books, I am free speech!
Your attempts to ignore me…to ban me…to silence me…
will always be barbaric and misbegotten.
Because…In spite of these attempts I shall endure…
and I shall be remembered……
long after you have been forgotten.

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