I Am A Lonely Traveler Poem by Matloob Bokhari

I Am A Lonely Traveler

Matloob Bokhari
O my sad heart, I am a lonely traveler
I have secret sorrows, which no one knows
My soul is wandering in silence, aimlessly
I am a sable cloud, shifting and drifting
I am a flowerless garden, without nightingale
I am a pale moon, walking in the darkness of sky
I am an eagle, soaring over the snowy peaks
I am a lofty oak tree, facing the flames of sun
I am the son of white storm,
I am an oak tree, standing on the peak
I am a tired dreamer
And a lonely traveler

xHow can a poem titled, 'I am the most lonely person, ' sit here without a comment? Hello Mr. Lonely. I'm sure your heart is as lovely as your poem here so may good company join you soon.30 May 2015 by honest harriet | Reply

xThis is not a poem This is moaning. heavy heart is heaving 30 May 2015 by MATLOOB BOKHARI | Reply

picture of RAJ NANDY
xRead your poem after a long break, and do identify myself with what you have said! For the last 6 long months I am with 'Hello Poetry'! I find you have stopped posting too! Hope all is well. Take care, -Raj,14th July 201514 Jul 2015 by RAJ NANDY | Reply

picture of Sylvia Frances Chan
xVery touching poetry. But excellently worded, what you wish to tell us, is here clearest. Thank you for sharing this saddest piece. We still have God to talk to or ask to solve the problems IF you have any. God is Greatest and Mightiest.29 Jul 2015 by Sylvia Frances Chan | Reply

picture of Stiltskin's Gold
xOh my Matloob how I feel your pain my old friend...in my search for inner truth I have had to separate from my wife and give up the bulk of my worldly goods....I am adrift in an unknown future but I am at Peace inside. That Peace has come at the cost of everything. The conflict I had was not between good and evil...that would be too easy! No, my conflict was between my inner goodness and my inner truth....I had to face the consequences of misplaced good intentions and move forward in truth....or I would have gone mad! The pain is strong but the Peace is worth anything....how are you....lol..... :) 7 Oct 2015 by Stiltskin's Gold | Reply

picture of Sylvia Frances Chan
xWhen you are feeling lonely, pray to God or Allah. He will hear all your stories, yearnings and complaonts. Sure, PLEASE, DO IT. If you don´t do it, it is a logic case that you will feel lonely and ARE LONELY ALL THE TIME. You are smart enough19 Nov 2015 by Sylvia Frances Chan | Reply

picture of Sylvia Frances Chan
xYOU ARE lonely? Please PRAY TO God or Allah, but START TO PRAY. You are smart enough to know this. IF YOU are still complaining, gthen I know that you HAVE NOT PRAYED YET. The choice is yours.19 Nov 2015 by Sylvia Frances Chan | Reply

NiklussiX - '''''''I am a sable cloud, shifting and drifting
I am a flowerless garden, without nightingale
I am a pale moon, walking in the darkness of sky''''''
GORGEOUS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ¡
'''''''I am an eagle, soaring over the snowy peaks
I am a lofty oak tree, facing the flames of sun
I am the son of white storm, '''''''
AMAZING! ! ! ! ! ! ! ¡
I am a tired dreamer too and this poem is utterly BEAUTIFUL in it's sadness. I hope everything is well with you and you are HAPPY, WEALTHY and WISE! ! ! ! ! ¡
EXCELLENT WORK! ! ! ! ! ! ! ¡
MY FRIEND! ! ! ! ! ! ! ¡ ← Less

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