I Am Thomas Poem by Randy McClave

I Am Thomas

As I see you in this barI didn't believe what was said to me
Unless it I can touch and see,
I didn't believe what the women had said
Truly unto a false road they were led.
There was of course remained my continued doubt,
As I professed and screamed it out.

I didn't believe what I had heard
I believed it all to be lies and absurd,
Then they told me to have faith and that he had risen
And that he had left earth's prison.
Those stories as rumors I just doubted,
As my belief to all I constantly shouted.

I couldn't believe what others had saw
Even though it brought them much joy and awe,
The thought of it I just could not believe
As I still did grieve.
I just continued my doubting,
As the stories continued sprouting.

Then in front of me the Lord did stand
With his outreached hand,
Showing me the facts and the proof
The lord had appeared with his wounds under the roof.
Then I remembered I had forgotten a great promise,
I am Thomas.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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