I am woman… not just today, but every day.
I am courageous, I am creative, I am beautiful…
I am strong, I am independent, I am vivacious…
I am this, this, this, and this…
and that, that, that and that…
The titles are never ending… I am Woman!
Growing up for me, there was no book or instructions on becoming -
Becoming a woman, a mother, a conqueror…
Becoming a teacher, a leader, a friend…
Becoming driven, determined, destined…
and if there was… I didn't read it, nor did I need it.
That would have been the writer's opinion or story of
what a woman is in their perspective. That person's
story or journey could never be my story or journey.
My journey as a woman meant, I chose to walk my own path.
Didn't wanna walk in nobody else's footprints, so I created my own.
Over the years, I grew through… through the pain, the struggles, the frustration and uncertainties, through the tears and the fears.
I had to figure it out, work it out, balance it out.
I prayed, I sought, I cried, I endured… I am Woman!
My image of a woman is defined through God's transformation of me, not through the image of what the world says a woman should be.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem