Colette Dright

Colette Dright Poems

Let me cook, iron and clean
Let me explore, let me dream
Let me kiss and comfort you
Let me do just what I do


Today I saw an owl
Or did he see me?
For I looked outside the window
And saw him sitting in a tree

Relationships start off like oh so right
Making love damn near every single night
Dancing, the movies, going out bowling
Cracking so many jokes, I'm on the floor rolling

How much in our life do we copy/paste and what is the effect of it?
You can copy/paste pictures, my energy, my attitude, my emotions, my spiritual growth… but what is it about copying?
You have the choice in life what you choose to copy and paste if any.

I've heard people say they "Found God"
You didn't find God, because God was never lost
You say, you lost your wallet, or you lost your keys…
You didn't lose your keys, you misplaced your keys

Welcome to December. A joyful, jolly month. A month of happiness, beautiful lights, decorations, positive vibes, excitement, gift giving, peace on earth and love. Yes, this is the right time and this is the right season. A season of endings, out with the old and beginnings, in with the new. End the year strong and begin the new year even stronger.

I have decided the gift to myself this Christmas is to start doing right, not just in some areas, but in every area of my life. And how I will do that is to maintain a right attitude, stay on the right path with the right frame of mind, right my wrongs, have the right perspective and outlook on life, live right, eat right and do what is right by God.

I just wish people would leave me alone
And stop asking me what happened to my phone
I had my phone out at school in the hall
But I wasn't even trying to make no call

Spoken words are what I hear
That sinks into the depth of my ear
What's reflected and brought up later in time
Are the spoken words buried within my mind

Deer Colette,

Thank u four the sweater. Eye did knot no it wood cost that much. It was hire than eye thought. Eye love it! U or such a suite heart.
All sew, thank u four the pitchers u cent. Eye can knot bee leave how big you're brother Johnny has groan. Pour Johnny, he used two wine a lot as a kid with his snotty knows, lol. Girl, eye steel remember how

Don't let the bread get stale came about when I had this huge crush on my lil sweetheart at work. I began putting snacks in his desk, basically things I know he likes. Well, I noticed the snacks were low, but I was being lazy and didn't go to the store. One day at home, the bread got stale, which meant now I had to go to the store. I finally went to Walmart, the snacks were only $10.00, but I ended up spending $95.00.
That's why I don't like to go to the store, because you get things you were not going in there to get.
So this is how this all came about, because the bread got stale.


The movement of life goes on each day
But frozen in time is where you stay
When the thought of a person reminds you of the past
Frozen in the moments you want to forever last

Enough is Enough

Ever since I was a child and throughout my growing up
All I kept saying was, Enough Mom, Enough


I want to share with you what each letter in the word STAND means to me.

S.T.A.N.D -

You ever had a day off from work where God placed it upon your heart to go walking with Him? Well, I did just that today. I started my walk in this beautiful, wealthy subdivision, admiring the beautiful homes. After walking for a while, the beautiful homes were gone and it was just the isolated road and trees. I walked along the road to the land of Never, not once concerned with how far I had walked or how long I will walk. Since there was no sidewalk anymore, the gift to enjoy and walk a balanced life was intriguing to me. So I began balancing my walk on the curb. Walking by faith, walking in peace, walking towards my destiny. Is there more to this road? There has to be, for I wasn't finished my walk with Thee. The road had come to an end, nothing left but a gated fence and a fire station. End of the road, nothing to do but to make a U-turn, so you turn.

The calmness, the quietness, the serenity, the breeze blowing, the gratefulness, the grace, the beautiful, blue sky, the clouds on the move,72 degrees one week before Christmas, WOW! I just want to have a seat on the curb and so I did just that. I sat spending quiet time, just me and my Father looking up to the sky eating Hot Tamales, the cinnamon chewy candies.


Is vision without seeing
Is hearing without talking
Is feeling without touching
Is longing without lusting

How do I love after the hurt
When my heart was shattered into pieces in the dirt
How do I begin to move out of my past
And love someone else thinking this too shall last

One night Hurt and I decided to have a Pity Party and
everybody brought somebody

Hurt brought Bitter

I wish I had a male man who was around my age, not married, not in a relationship, very understanding and willing to accept my imperfections.

I wish I had a male man where our communication would be top notch. Someone I could share my thoughts with, someone I could talk to throughout the day, anytime of the day.

Dear Mike,

I just wanted to touch base with you and write how I feel at this moment. While you were here, you taught us so much. I still play your songs because I like The Way You Make Me Feel through your music. It brings me closer to you. My favorites are Man In The Mirror and Black And White.

Who am I that I can choose
To pick from my closet different types of shoes
Who am I that my feet are bare
When I only wish I had shoes to wear

The Best Poem Of Colette Dright

Let Me

Let me cook, iron and clean
Let me explore, let me dream
Let me kiss and comfort you
Let me do just what I do
Let me dance to the beat
Let me gently rub your feet
Let me write so you can read
Let me be all that you need
Let me walk, let me run
Let me play, let me have fun
Let me leap, let me fly
Let me gaze into the sky
Let me shine and do me
Let me be all I can be
Let me stretch, let me bend
Let me floss cause I'm a ten
Let me shop in the mall
Let me ball till I fall
Let me sit, let me stand
Let me have you as my man
Let me pray with you each night
Let me hold you oh so tight
Let me reach for the star
And accept you as you are
Let me show, let me glow
Let me love or let me go!

Colette Dright Comments

Colette Dright Quotes

Sometimes in a company, the one who seems the least valuable can bring the greatest value.

In life, people always say, you gotta be ready. With God's favor, I'm always ready!

Love is Love - So does much matter?

Friends are Forever Watermelons are Seasonal

A person's level of maturity determines if one moves on or lingers on.

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