Colette Dright

Colette Dright Poems

Let me cook, iron and clean
Let me explore, let me dream
Let me kiss and comfort you
Let me do just what I do


Today I saw an owl
Or did he see me?
For I looked outside the window
And saw him sitting in a tree

I've heard people say they "Found God"
You didn't find God, because God was never lost
You say, you lost your wallet, or you lost your keys…
You didn't lose your keys, you misplaced your keys

How much in our life do we copy/paste and what is the effect of it?
You can copy/paste pictures, my energy, my attitude, my emotions, my spiritual growth… but what is it about copying?
You have the choice in life what you choose to copy and paste if any.

Relationships start off like oh so right
Making love damn near every single night
Dancing, the movies, going out bowling
Cracking so many jokes, I'm on the floor rolling

Welcome to December. A joyful, jolly month. A month of happiness, beautiful lights, decorations, positive vibes, excitement, gift giving, peace on earth and love. Yes, this is the right time and this is the right season. A season of endings, out with the old and beginnings, in with the new. End the year strong and begin the new year even stronger.

I have decided the gift to myself this Christmas is to start doing right, not just in some areas, but in every area of my life. And how I will do that is to maintain a right attitude, stay on the right path with the right frame of mind, right my wrongs, have the right perspective and outlook on life, live right, eat right and do what is right by God.

I am woman… not just today, but every day.

I am courageous, I am creative, I am beautiful…
I am strong, I am independent, I am vivacious…


What is happiness - It can be a mood, feeling, emotion, thought, desire... you fill in the blank.
What makes you happy?
Love, money, peace, great health, wealth, people, a person, self, a house, car, designer clothes, time, communication, freedom, nothing...

Oh, so you the new Patrol Officer now huh? Here comes Phone Patrol, the phone patrol officer who wants to roll, scroll and patrol through their mate's phone. All of yall know one, heard of one, hell, yall might even be one.

You wanna look at their recent call log, call numbers back, look through their pictures and definitely wanna read their text.
But why? Is it insecurity, lack of trust, jealousy, guilt… What?

People look at me and wonder what is that glow. Some have said, you look different, you are super happy, you done gained a couple of pounds, why are you always smiling, what's going on with you? Girl, are you expecting?
Well yall, since so many of yall wanna know and since it's no secret, yes it's true, I'm Expecting!

I'm Expecting a Miracle

Hey yall, I have a new Comforter. I'm so excited. My new Comforter is soft, warms my soul and adds brightness to my life. And this new Comforter is different than what I'm used to, because I'm filled with such a warmth I've never felt before, much better than any sherpa, plush or down, any pillow or teddy bear. I am so blessed, grateful and thankful to have this Comforter. I find such a calmness and a sense of peace with my Comforter, and when I am under my Comforter, I know I am loved and protected just by the warmness felt.

Well actually, my Comforter isn't new, my vision of my Comforter is new, because truth be told, my Comforter has been here all the while.

So right before I moved to Texas, the property manager where I was moving to called me and said, "Ms. Dright, I just want to let you know, you've been approved."
Now, as much as I have heard those words before, at that moment and at that time, those words hit my brain different. It was a "Wow" revelation moment. And what was revealed to me was - She's right, "I BEEN approved." I been approved wayyy back then, like been.
I been approved, approved by God since birth. So you see, everybody might not know, some just finding out, some might find out later and some may never know, but yeah, "I BEEN approved! "

To those who have loss love ones along the way, please understand, you have been a blessing and you have been blessed from having that love one in your life.

You have gained so much from your love one. You have gained memories of life long laughter, joy, love, wisdom and so much more. There is no time frame on happiness and laughter and it may not have lasted as long as you would have liked, but God placed that person in your path and in your life at that time for His purpose and for you to experience that happiness.

What people get to decide and validate other people by categorizing them? Is it the "good people, " the "rich people, " the "smart people…? "
I'm really just trying to understand something.
Who decides and what makes them relevant when we the people are all "Just People? "
Where did this come from and why is it still allowed in this day, age and time? We are singled out, casted out, separated, isolated, placed above, placed beneath, considered better than, considered less than, worthy, unworthy… all because of the labels that enables. Yes, the labels that are placed before the people to identify the people.

We had a debate where the candidate
Was supposed to communicate
The direction in which the united state
Yes, state how we can become back united


Back in the day we used to put our hand out towards someone else's face and say "Bye, " as if to say, "Bye, get out my face."
Just imagine Biden telling you, "Bye then, imma go, get out yo face and be gone."

You saying I should be replaced and get out the race - Biden


There is so much division going on in this country, especially with this election and the White House and Biden and Trump and the Republicans and so forth. OMG, why does everything have to be so competitive and challenging amongst our own country. So many disagreements, lies and heated arguments to prove who's right and who's better. It seems to be more about control than anything, but where is the integrity?

In this country it's like people want to "control" a woman's right to decide what's best for HER body. Then you have one candidate saying immigrants are coming to take "Black Jobs." What's a "Black Job" in America? I so wanna know. That is such a divisive statement.

In the server industry many servers hourly pay is $2.13 an hour. The rest of their income is earned from their tips. Do you know that the average tip should be between 18 to 20 percent, or more if you choose? But people tend to leave less and sometimes less can be based on the server's performance, the wait time on the food, the person's finances at that time, or just because. Then there are also times when you can give "Great" service and still do not get a tip.

Now most upscale restaurants have their servers best interest at heart because that 18% gratuity is automatically included in your total. But what about the small diners and restaurants that have great food and great service, but do not take out gratuity?

Yes I said it - The Dressless, cause what are they really wearing?
It's practically nothing. Should it be called "Clothes for Hoez? "
But why do they dress less? Is it for attention, is it insecurity, is it they lack confidence, is it cute, is it tacky, is it sexy, is it to "fit in, " is it misleading, is it enticing…?

Only the Real old G's will remember.
All of these old movies are from back in the day.
Some of you will remember and some of you won't have a clue of what I am talking about.
Let's go down memory lane. Think back, reflect and smile if you remember watching any of these on tv. Yeah, let's remember the 'Good Ole Days.'

The Best Poem Of Colette Dright

Let Me

Let me cook, iron and clean
Let me explore, let me dream
Let me kiss and comfort you
Let me do just what I do
Let me dance to the beat
Let me gently rub your feet
Let me write so you can read
Let me be all that you need
Let me walk, let me run
Let me play, let me have fun
Let me leap, let me fly
Let me gaze into the sky
Let me shine and do me
Let me be all I can be
Let me stretch, let me bend
Let me floss cause I'm a ten
Let me shop in the mall
Let me ball till I fall
Let me sit, let me stand
Let me have you as my man
Let me pray with you each night
Let me hold you oh so tight
Let me reach for the star
And accept you as you are
Let me show, let me glow
Let me love or let me go!

Colette Dright Comments

Colette Dright Quotes

Sometimes in a company, the one who seems the least valuable can bring the greatest value.

In life, people always say, you gotta be ready. With God's favor, I'm always ready!

Love is Love - So does much matter?

Friends are Forever Watermelons are Seasonal

A person's level of maturity determines if one moves on or lingers on.

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